
Category: Regulatory Affairs

“The Devastation Is Very Important to Me”

Mother Jones illustrationBullit Marquez/AP; KREMLL/Getty This story originally appeared on  Until recently, few of us woke up worrying about the threat of nuclear war. Such dangers seemed like Cold War relics, associated with outmoded practices like building fallout shelters and “duck and cover” drills. But give Donald Trump credit: When it comes to nukes,…

Chicken Farms Fueled a Massive Public Health Crisis—While the Government Turned a Blind Eye

shutterstock This story was originally published by Food and Environment Reporting Network. Antibiotic-resistant infections—everything from gastrointestinal illnesses to recurring urinary tract infections and staph—are among the most menacing issues in public health today, sickening 2 million people a year and killing at least 23,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So perhaps it’s…

The United States and Syria Are All Alone When It Comes to the Paris Climate Agreement

Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega and vice president Rosario MurilloJeffrey Arguedas/EFE/ZUMA On Monday, Nicaragua officially joined more than 190 countries in signing the Paris climate accord, according to a statement by the country’s vice president and first lady Rosario Murillo.  “It is the only instrument we have in the world that allows the unity of intentions and…