
Category: Regulatory Affairs

A Quick Guide to Legal Pot in California

Mother Jones illustration Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. For Californians, legal cannabis is right around the corner. But we have questions. And as it turns out, many of you do, too. A couple weeks ago we wanted to know what questions you had about pot, and the responses were overwhelming.…

The Guy Who Repealed Net Neutrality Caught Dancing in Video with Pizzagate Conspiracy Theorist

FCC chairman Ajit Pai during the net neutrality vote. Jacquelyn Martin/AP Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) officially voted to repeal net neutrality Thursday, handing telecom companies a massive win. The move can largely be credited to FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who was appointed to lead the commission by the…

Elizabeth Warren Calls Out Trump’s Meddling in the Agency She Created

Ron Sachs/Zumapress Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren isn’t letting the Trump administration gut the financial watchdog she championed without a fight. Late last week, the Massachusetts Democrat sent a letter to the inspector general of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau asking him to review the actions of White House budget…

The Sway of the Nuclear Arms Industry Over Donald Trump and Congress Is Terrifying

Mother Jones illustrationBullit Marquez/AP; KREMLL/Getty This story originally appeared on  Until recently, few of us woke up worrying about the threat of nuclear war. Such dangers seemed like Cold War relics, associated with outmoded practices like building fallout shelters and “duck and cover” drills. But give Donald Trump credit: When it comes to nukes,…