Republicans Just Don’t Want to Wear Masks
Smart, Fearless Journalism
Crime and Justice
We didn’t know what to expect when we told you we needed to raise $400,000 by June 30, and we’re encouraged that so many of our readers have stepped up to help keep Mother Jones charging as hard as we can during this staggeringly consequential moment. If you haven’t yet, and you’re able, please consider joining your fellow readers and help make our nonprofit journalism possible with a donation today.
We still need to raise 400,000: Whether you can pitch in $5 or $500, it makes a difference.
Thank you to everyone who has pitched in during our big fundraising drive. We still need to raise 400,000 to hit our $400,000 goal by June 30, so if you haven’t yet, please consider joining your fellow readers and help make our reporting possible with a donation today: Whether you can give $5 or $500, it all makes a difference.
This is insane. I don’t really have anything further to say about it.
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