
Economic Growth in the US Has Been Fairly Good During the Pandemic

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Hi. Thanks for visiting Mother Jones! If you come here often, might you consider supporting our journalism with a year-end donation? We have a big $350,000 fundraising goal this month, which our CEO explains here, and with only about a week left, we’re not yet halfway there. Whether you can give $5 or $500, we need your help to start closing that gap.

As long as I’m in chart mode, here’s one for GDP growth during the pandemic. It shows roughly the same countries as the previous charts, namely our peer countries in Europe:
The United States is the purple bar. As you can see, we’re roughly in the top third, with a GDP decline of only 2.9 percent over the past year. Not the greatest, but not bad either. Better than France, Germany, Italy, and the UK anyway.

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