
Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: June 12 Update

Smart, Fearless Journalism

Crime and Justice

Mother Jones is in the middle of a pledge drive. But right now we’re looking for your feedback on how you’re processing the current news, and we hope you’ll consider supporting nonprofit newsrooms led by and dedicated to serving communities of color that you’ll find here.
Mother Jones is in the middle of a pledge drive. But right now we’re looking for your feedback on how you’re processing the current news, and we hope you’ll consider supporting nonprofit newsrooms led by and dedicated to serving communities of color that you’ll find here.

Here’s the coronavirus death toll through June 12. The “reopening” began in the United States around mid-May and seemed like it was fully in gear by the end of the month. If we assume a 2-3 week lag between loosening restrictions and starting to see the death toll pick up, we should start to see deaths increasing next week or the week after at the latest. If that doesn’t happen, it means . . . something. In any case, we are about to enter a very important couple of weeks.
The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is here.

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