
Category: Science

Stolen Emails. Wikileaks. White Supremacists. Donald Trump. It All Happened in 2009.

Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. The Heads of StateWhat does a 2009 controversy involving climate scientists have in common with Russia’s cyberattacks during the 2016 election? Quite a lot, actually. Both incidents featured stolen emails, WikiLeaks, Donald Trump, and day after day of breathless, often inaccurate, media coverage. Eight years…

What Siri Says When New Zealanders Ask About Sex

Mother Jones illustration Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. “Tell me about menopause.” “Am I at risk of HIV?” “Is it OK to put a jade egg in my vagina?” A team of New Zealand researchers posed these questions and 47 others to digital assistants to determine how effectively Siri et…

The Environmental Disaster Tucked Into the Tax Bill

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)fazeful/Getty The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—recognized for its picturesque vistas and wildlife—has been a battleground for Democrats and Republicans for years. The 20-million-acre park sits above large oil and gas reserves, which Republicans, including Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), have eyed as a huge source of revenue for the state. Several…

Escaping a Wildfire and Fighting to Stay Here

Luis, a DACA-recipient, lost his home when the Tubbs Fire swept through Santa Rosa on October 8th. Brian L. Frank When he first smelled smoke, Luis just thought a neighbor was having a barbecue. But the scent lingered, and the 25-year-old aspiring neuroscientist soon learned that a forest fire was barreling straight toward his home in…

The Sway of the Nuclear Arms Industry Over Donald Trump and Congress Is Terrifying

Mother Jones illustrationBullit Marquez/AP; KREMLL/Getty This story originally appeared on  Until recently, few of us woke up worrying about the threat of nuclear war. Such dangers seemed like Cold War relics, associated with outmoded practices like building fallout shelters and “duck and cover” drills. But give Donald Trump credit: When it comes to nukes,…