
Category: Reproductive Rights

Has TV Ever Gotten Abortion Right?

Melinda Beck In 1981, eight years after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion and just a year before her breakout role as pregnant Stacy in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Jennifer Jason Leigh played another apparently knocked-up high schooler, this time in a CBS after-school special called I Think I’m Having a Baby. Leigh is Laurie,…

Planned Parenthood Rejects Federal Funding Over Trump Administration’s “Unethical” Gag Rule

Pro-choice activists and legislators in New York protest the Title X “gag rule” in February. Spencer Platt/Getty Planned Parenthood announced Monday that it will withdraw from Title X, the federal family planning program through which the organization receives about $60 million annually, rather than adhere to the Trump administration’s new rule that restricts grantees from…

When Your Rapist Demands Custody

Before her son began school last year, Tiffany Gordon showed his father’s mugshot to school administrators. “If you see this guy, you have to call the police,” she told them. Ten years earlier, when Tiffany was 12, a young man she knew invited her, her sister, and a friend on a late-night car ride. “I…