
Category: Reproductive Rights

The Supreme Court Took a Major Abortion Case That Could Stump All the Justices

Olivier Douliery/AP In recent years, Republican legislators in more than a dozen states around the country have passed laws that require doctors to say specific, misleading statements to abortion-seeking patients before performing the procedure—from requiring doctors to perform sonograms and describe them to patients, to mandating that they tell patients that a pre-viable fetus will feel pain, that there…

Undocumented Teen Finally Gets Abortion After Month-Long Fight With Trump Administration

Activists with Planned Parenthood demonstrate in support of a pregnant 17-year-old seeking an abortion who’s being held in a Texas facility for unaccompanied immigrant children.J. Scott Applewhite/AP The undocumented minor who’s been fighting for her constitutional right to an abortion finally underwent the procedure on Wednesday morning after the government tried to stop her for…