
Author: jwelcome

Another Shoe Drops on Roy Moore

Tom Williams/Congressional Quarterly/Newscom via ZUMA I’m late getting to this, but here’s the latest on Roy Moore: A fifth woman has come forward to accuse former Alabama chief justice Roy Moore of inappropriate sexual conduct. Beverly Young Nelson, 55, said Moore, now a candidate for the U.S. Senate, assaulted her when she was a 16-year-old…

The Supreme Court Took a Major Abortion Case That Could Stump All the Justices

Olivier Douliery/AP In recent years, Republican legislators in more than a dozen states around the country have passed laws that require doctors to say specific, misleading statements to abortion-seeking patients before performing the procedure—from requiring doctors to perform sonograms and describe them to patients, to mandating that they tell patients that a pre-viable fetus will feel pain, that there…

John Oliver Exposes the One Thing Trump Has Been Disturbingly Successful at This Year

To mark the anniversary of Donald Trump’s presidential victory, John Oliver on Sunday took a step back from the daily chaos coming from the White House to examine the three significant ways the Trump presidency has attacked the basic norms of democracy: delegitimizing the media, practicing “whataboutism” (example: his reaction to Charlottesville), and trolling.   “While there…