Atlanta Councilman Michael Julian Bond in altercation at debate

Last night, Councilman Bond went on an unprovoked, profanity laced
tirade, filled with threats of violence, personal attacks, and insults
about me and my family–specifically my mother. While shocking, this
isn’t surprising, as the councilman has displayed a complete lack of
judgement over the course of his political career. He is the recipient
of the largest ethics fine in the history of Georgia–45,000k for over
300 violations. Instead of attacking me, he should be attacking the
issues of affordability, crime, education and transportation.
His behavior is beneath the dignity of his office and is frankly an
embarrassment to the city that has always served as a moral compass
for the world. There can be no place for the types of bullying and
intimidation tactics that we see play out in other parts of the
country, here in our city, which is supposed to be too busy to hate.
Councilman Bond attempted to drag the city on a hill into the gutters.
Hear directly from the moderator of last night’s forum on what happened.
“An Atlanta City Council forum Thursday night became heated when City Councilman Michael Julian Bond and Atlanta Public Schools board member Courtney English were separated by the moderator when things appeared to become confrontational.
The two had been sparring about a variety of issues, including accusations of a poorly run school system and irresponsible city government, when Bond appeared to lean in to English and continue to debate his points after his time to speak was up.
Bond and English were taking part in a candidate forum put on by activist group Georgia STAND UP. The two are competing for the Post 1 At Large seat Bond currently holds.” AJC
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