Your tip sheet: House takes up firefighter’s bill

Days remaining in the 2017 Legislative session: 28

Lawmakers are back after a long Super Bowl (sigh) weekend. Both chambers will start at 10 a.m. On the House calendar: House Bill 14, which would require sheriffs to deposit fees they collect into the county’s general fund; HB 88, which would force judges to resign if they are disbarred or suspended from practicing law; and HB 146, which would provide for additional insurance for firefighters who get cancer as a result of their job. The Senate will take up Senate Bill 4, which would create a statewide mental health treatment task force and SB 14 , which would create a new tax credit or businesses that give to rural hospitals.



Committee action is picking up. Afternoon meetings include a House Ways & Means subcommittee meeting on HB 204, which aims to force e-commerce sites to collect sales taxes.

Here’s the full committee schedule, helpfully annotated with agenda highlights and bill info.

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