Trump Offers Big Middle Finger to Emoluments Clause

President Trump has announced that next year’s G7 meeting will be held at the Trump National Doral in Miami. His acting chief of staff explains that there’s nothing wrong with this:

MULVANEY: “Again, anticipating your questions, how is this this is not emolument violation? Will the president profit from this? The president pretty much made it very clear since he got here, he doesn’t profit from being here. He has no interest in profiting from being here.”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 17, 2019

To summarize for those of you who are a little slow, Trump won’t profit from this because he says he won’t profit from this. Any questions?
I wonder what Trump has promised Mick Mulvaney in return for being willing to say stuff like this in public? It’s gotta be something.