Protests Stoke Convention Fears: 6,000 Scheduled To Greet GOP On Day One
An estimated 6,000 protesters are scheduled to greet Republican delegates and Donald Trump, the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 18, including Black Lives Matter and the Workers World Party, reports The New York Times:
The demonstrators intend to ignore restrictions keeping them far from the delegates, raising fears the violence that accompanied some of Mr. Trump’s rallies will be magnified on a mass scale.
Two marches along routes the city has not authorized are planned for the convention’s opening day, July 18. Organizers say they want to avoid violence. But they are also gearing up for confrontation with the police, including training in civil disobedience.
“If there are people willing to put themselves on the line to be arrested, so be it,” said Deb Kline, a leader of Cleveland Jobs With Justice, one of the groups that will march.
The following week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, The Times writes, scores of Bernie Sanders supporters are planning Occupy Wall Street-style protests against what they see as Hillary Clinton’s “fraudulent” nomination.
SOURCE: The New York Times | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty
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