President Trump Drops Stephen Bannon From National Security Council

On Wednesday, President Trump switched up his National Security Council by removing controversial White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon.

It’s part of an entire sweep that bumps up several key military and intelligence officials to bigger roles on the council. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence are back on the council, and newcomers like the energy secretary, C.I.A. director and United Nations ambassador have been added to the list, notes the NewYork Times.

According to two senior White House officials said Bannon’s departure wasn’t a demotion, as he’s barely gone to any meetings since getting on the council. He was originally placed on the committee to watch over then-national security advisor Michael Flynn, who has since resigned after not being upfront about his ties with Russia’s ambassador. But with H.R. McMaster replacing Flynn, there’s no need for Bannon to attend.

McMaster was at the helm of the sudden shake-up and he was also known to publicly disagree with of Bannon’s opinions.

It’s said to be all in an effort to restore more of a George W. Bush-era-type NSC.

“There was a concern when this administration came in that the national security council under the prior administration had grown too large and had taken on operational responsibilities that were not properly its role,” the second official told the Washington Post.

SOURCE: Washington Post, New York Times


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