‘One Of The Greatest Traitors In American History,’ Roland Martin Says Of Jefferson Davis

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The removal of a statue of Jefferson Davis, who Roland Martin says is one of the greatest American traitors of all time, occurred this week in New Orleans. The removal is part of an ongoing effort to remove four statues that celebrated notable figures of the Confederacy, and Martin revealed more on NewsOne Now.

The statues, for many residents, are symbols of racism and White supremacy. The city began the process of taking down the statues last month. Workers and the removal crews wore masks, and the area was heavily guarded by officers and snipers. Proponents and opponents of the removal have taken part in sometimes tense demonstrations at monument sites,” Martin said.

Watch Roland Martin’s report on the removal of the Jefferson Davis statue in New Orleans in the clip above.

Watch NewsOne Now with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.


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