Mary Norwood picks up an early endorsement from Atlanta police union

Dominos are falling early in this year’s race for mayor of Atlanta. IBPO Local 623, the union for Atlanta police officers, on Tuesday endorsed Mary Norwood in the contest – something that didn’t happen eight years ago. From an emailed statement by the at-large city councilwoman:

“We want our officers to live, work and play in the communities  they serve and we can do that with an attractive plan for our officers to live in Atlanta’s neighborhoods.


“Right now, we have 1,600 sworn officers working for our police department with 1,400 on the street. For years, Mayors have set a goal for 2,000 officers to be on our streets keeping us safe. That must become a reality.”

In the 2009 runoff for mayor, Local 623 endorsed Kasim Reed over Norwood.

Read more: Could Atlanta elect a white mayor in 2017? Does it matter?

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