
How Private Equity Looted America

Over the past four decades, private equity has become a powerful, and malignant, force in our daily lives. In our May/June 2022 issue, Mother Jones investigates the vulture capitalists chewing up and spitting out American businesses, the politicians enabling them, and the everyday people fighting back. 

The Smash-and-Grab Economy
Private equity billionaires are looting the country, leaving everyday Americans to clean up the mess—and fight for the scraps.
Michael Byers

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THE TRUTH…is the first thing despots go after. An unwavering commitment to it is probably what draws you to Mother Jones’ journalism. And as we’re seeing in the US and the world around, authoritarians seek to poison the discourse and the way we relate to each other because they can’t stand people coming together around a shared sense of the truth—it’s a huge threat to them.

Which is also a pretty great way to describe Mother Jones’ mission: People coming together around the truth to hold power accountable.

And right now, we need to raise about $400,000 from our online readers over the next two months to hit our annual goal and make good on that mission. Read more about the information war we find ourselves in and how people-powered, independent reporting can and must rise to the challenge—and please support our team’s truth-telling journalism with a donation if you can right now.

THE TRUTH…is the first thing despots go after. An unwavering commitment to it is probably what draws you to Mother Jones’ journalism. And as we’re seeing in the US and the world around, authoritarians seek to poison the discourse and the way we relate to each other because they can’t stand people coming together around a shared sense of the truth—it’s a huge threat to them.

Which is also a pretty great way to describe Mother Jones’ mission: People coming together around the truth to hold power accountable.

And right now, we need to raise about $400,000 from our online readers over the next two months to hit our annual goal and make good on that mission. Read more about the information war we find ourselves in and how people-powered, independent reporting can and must rise to the challenge—and please support our team’s truth-telling journalism with a donation if you can right now.