GOP state senator called out for wife’s part in pink-hat march

On Friday, we told you about the phrase in President Donald Trump’s speech that had never before appeared in an inaugural address: “Total allegiance.” As in:

“At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.”

Apparently, at least one Trump supporter in Georgia is taking that sentiment to heart.
On Saturday night, tea partyer and grassroots activist Debbie Dooley called out state Sen. Jesse Stone, R-Waynesboro, because – hours before — his wife had donned a pink hat (very attractive, by the way) and marched in protest with her daughter in Augusta. (The Augusta Chronicle put the size of the crowd at “several hundred.”)

From Dooley’s note:

As a grassroot leader that worked hard to elect Donald Trump and supported him from the beginning, it is disappointing to see the family (wife, daughter) of Republican state senator and Judiciary Chairman Jesse Stone being such a big part of today’s march against President Trump.


The march contained such vile displays of anti-Americanism and even terrorist language from people like Madonna. [The pop star made her remarks in Washington, not Augusta.]
Stone is supposed to be the leader of a Committee that oversees legislation dealing with criminal activity, something contained in the marchers’ verbal attacks and the violence against Inauguration goers. Shame on them, and shame on any Republican leader that does not strongly condemn this.


He needs to step down from his Judiciary Committee chairmanship.

Dooley later sent this addendum:

[L]iberal women have a right to peacefully protest, but we have the right to dissent. When you have a member of Senate Republican Leadership that has a wife that supported marching against the GOP nominee and the things that were said, that is an issue.

We have made inquiries with Stone, through his law office, and the Senate majority leader’s office but have not heard back. However, we would note that it is not uncommon for political differences to exist in a marriage – and woe be unto the spouse who attempts to police those differences.

There is also a context here that needs to be noted, which has nothing to do with Trump or “total allegiance.” Stone’s assignment as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is a new one. He replaces Josh McKoon, R-Columbus, who has often allied himself with Dooley on various issues such as legislative ethics and “religious liberty” measures.

On her Facebook page, which we won’t link to before she gives us the okay, Stone’s wife has posted the following:

I understand that many women did not feel that the Women’s March represented them but I encourage you to read the Mission and Vision Statement of the Women’s March so that you will at least understand why so many women worldwide marched yesterday. There were so many various reasons why people marched yesterday, I am almost certain that you could have found some common ground with the marchers. And, let me say again….Love Thy Neighbor.

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