CHOA: Girl 'thriving' 9 years after receiving new heart
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta shared a wonderful update on Facebook Wednesday night about a former heart transplant patient from Fayette County.
Lily went into cardiac arrest when she was just 4-months-old. According to CHOA, she was flown to Egleston and placed on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, also known as ECMO.
ECMO is a procedure that uses a machine to take over the work of the lungs and sometimes the heart.
“The machine, made up of a pump, an artificial lung and a blood warmer, acted as Lily’s heart and lungs so her body could rest while she prepared for a transplant,” CHOA said on Facebook.
Lily is now 9-years-old and has a heart that’s stronger than ever, according to CHOA.
CHOA shared two images on Facebook, showing how far she’s come these past nine years.