
Category: Black Politics

Fact of the Day: Manufacturing as a % of the Workforce, 1985-2020

Margaret Sullivan notes today that fact-checking has outlived its usefulness: As scholars have observed, calling out falsehoods forcefully may actually cause people to hold tighter to their beliefs. That’s the “backfire effect” that academics Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler wrote about in their study “When Corrections Fail” about the persistence of political misperceptions: “Direct factual…

The NBA Wildcat Strike Is How a Revolution Starts

On Wednesday, the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks, scheduled to play the fifth game of their first-round playoff series against the Orland Magic, walked out. The players of five other teams joined their strike. WNBA players pushed the league to cancel the three games on its docket. Major League Baseball’s Milwaukee Brewers, scheduled to face the Cincinnati…