
Category: Black Politics

No Surprise: Health Insurance Saves Lives

It’s really hard to evaluate the effect of health coverage on health. Sure, you can compare groups with and without coverage, but they’re almost certain to be so different (in income, race, employment, age, etc) that it’s impossible to tease out the effect of health coverage itself. Ideally, you’d like to perform a randomly controlled…

Why Are So Many Black Men in Prison?

One of our new writing fellows, Camille Squires, published a piece on Monday telling us that the “Kamala was a cop” meme didn’t originate with Bernie-bro-ish white guys. Rather, it originated on Black Twitter among African Americans who were keenly familiar with Kamala Harris’s mixed record as California’s attorney general. Harris billed herself as California’s…

On the Eve of Election, BoJo Hides In a Fridge

Andrew Parsons/i-Images via ZUMA One of Piers Morgan’s producers tried to set up an impromptu interview with Boris Johnson this morning: When Swain presses the prime minister, stating he was live on the show, Johnson replied “I’ll be with you in a second” and walked off, before Piers exclaims “he’s gone into the fridge”. Johnson…