
Category: Black Politics

Will America Elect a Socialist President?

Pretty much everyone agrees that Mike Bloomberg did a terrible job last night. However, there was a one-minute segment where he went after Bernie Sanders: This is what I’m afraid of in the general election. Sanders doesn’t get a lot of pushback from his fellow liberals for being a socialist, but Republicans will have no…

Quote of the Day: Mr. Trump, Tear Down That Wall!

From Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s chief of staff:¹ We are desperate — desperate — for more people. We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants. Technically, this is true. GDP growth has two components: population growth and…

Roger Stone Gets 40-Month Prison Sentence

Win McNamee/Getty Image After originally asking for a 7-9 year sentence for presidential pal and longtime Republican ratfucker¹ Roger Stone, Attorney General Bill Barr intervened in the case and sent in a new prosecutor who recommended 3-4 years instead.² Today, judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Stone to . . . 3-4 years: In a lengthy…