
Category: Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Wins the New Hampshire Primary

Steven Senne/AP Sen. Bernie Sanders has won Tuesday’s New Hampshire Democratic primary, according to multiple news outlets. Tuesday marks Sanders’ second primary win in New Hampshire, which borders his home state of Vermont. Sanders defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the state’s 2016 primary with more than 60 percent of the vote. Sanders…

We Asked Pete and Bernie Fans if They’ll Team Up to Beat Trump

Charles Krupa/AP Following former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s narrow win over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in last week’s Iowa Democratic caucuses, the two presidential candidates are duking it out in New Hampshire: Sanders slammed Buttigieg for accepting campaign contributions from billionaires, and Buttigieg said Sanders’ policies skew too far to the left. Mother Jones digital…

Bernie to the Iowa Caucuses: Drop Dead

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks during a news conference at his New Hampshire headquarters, on Thursday, February 6, 2020 in Manchester, N.H. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Before hordes of international press who had trudged through a slushy hellscape in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Thursday afternoon, Bernie Sanders announced what he’d waited three days to say:…

After the Boos, Bernie Sanders Takes a Softer Approach

Sen. Bernie Sanders in Indianola, Iowa.Pablo Martinez Monsivais Bernie Sanders’ allies railed against the DNC and corporate Democrats out to get him, and Vampire Weekend was in Iowa to open up for the senator. That was what I saw reporting from the state four years ago as caucus-goers faced choosing between Sanders and Hillary Clinton. And over…