Bernie Sanders Tries To Beat The Odds

In what sounds like an explanation of the Pythagorean theorem to non-mathematicians, or a bunch of nonsense, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders explained his reason for staying in the race.

He argued that he could potentially convince party leaders to back him if he persuades enough superdelegates to come over to his side, reports The New York Times.

On Tuesday, he faces the last presidential primary race in Washington, D.C., where he has traipsed back and forth from Vermont for decades, first as a member of the House of Representatives, and now as a U.S. Senator. This could be a major turning point that forces him to make a decision.

WATCH: Roland Martin and Symone Sanders, National Press Secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders discuss what’s next for the Sanders campaign in the video clip below.

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From The Times:

That plan became more improbable last week as high-profile Democrats supported Mrs. Clinton. President Obama endorsed her on Thursday, calling her the most qualified candidate ever to seek the White House and imploring Democrats to unite behind her. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts also endorsed Mrs. Clinton. Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, the only senator to endorse Mr. Sanders, told CNN on Friday that he now supports Mrs. Clinton.

In recent days, Mr. Sanders appeared to acknowledge the odds against him, and began speaking less about beating Mrs. Clinton and more about working to defeat Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.

On Sunday, he gathered with about 20 key supporters and advisers at his home in Burlington, Vt., to discuss how to proceed.

Perhaps Sanders will drop out of the race Tuesday, or he could take his fight all the way to the Democratic National Convention next month in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sound off in the comments.

SOURCE: The New York Times | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty | VIDEO CREDIT: Inform


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