
Author: jwelcome

Net Neutrality and Alex Jones

Maciej Luczniewski/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. Jonah Goldberg weighs in today on the widespread banning of Alex Jones’ InfoWars, but then turns it into a comment on net neutrality that I think is precisely backwards: As a broad generalization, the people who loved net neutrality, precisely…

No, There Is No Sense To Be Made of Trump’s Tweets

Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. From the Washington Post today: Can we just stop this? There is no “sense” to be made of Trump’s tweet. It’s random argle bargle that floats out of his brain. Here’s where the argle bargle comes from: Water from many of California’s biggest rivers flows…

CNN Anchor Don Lemon Calls Trump Racist

Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. CNN anchor Don Lemon called President Donald Trump “publicly racist” Monday night in a nine-minute diatribe on “CNN Tonight.” Lemon was responding to comments the president made Friday on Twitter, in which he called Lemon the “dumbest man on television.” Trump said Lemon made LeBron…