
Friday Cat Blogging – 25 December 2020

Smart, Fearless Journalism

Crime and Justice

Hi. Thanks for visiting Mother Jones! If you come here often, might you consider supporting our journalism with a year-end donation? Or new to us but like what you see? Learn about our 44-year history of doing nonprofit journalism and consider joining your fellow readers who make it all possible. We have a big $350,000 fundraising goal this month, which our CEO explains here, and with only about a week left, we’re not yet halfway there. Whether you can give $5 or $500, we need your help to start closing that gap.

Hi. Thanks for visiting Mother Jones! If you come here often, might you consider supporting our journalism with a year-end donation? We have a big $350,000 fundraising goal this month, which our CEO explains here, and with only about a week left, we’re not yet halfway there. Whether you can give $5 or $500, we need your help to start closing that gap.

Merry Christmas, everyone! This is bedtime in the Drum household. Hilbert adores Marian and pretty much follows her around all day, with occasional breaks for food and cat TV. At night, as soon as Marian settles into bed, Hilbert zips into the bedroom and plonks down on her stomach, purring loudly. Later, when we’re actually asleep, he takes up residence at the corner of the bed so he can stretch out on Marian’s feet. Hilbert is not the smartest cat on the planet, but he has good taste.

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