
Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: May 4 Update

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Let’s pay it forward. For #GivingTuesdayNow, we’re asking the Mother Jones community to consider halving your donation: some to support our reporting, some to another nonprofit newsroom you can find by searching by topic or region at the News for Good hub.

Here’s the coronavirus death toll through May 4. It took the United States seven days to go up from 6 deaths per million to 7 deaths per million. It took seven more days to go back down to 6 deaths per million. So far, though, after nine days we’re only about halfway from 6 deaths per million to 5 deaths per million. The slope of our decline is very definitely getting flatter.
Which will be the first country to get down to 0.5 deaths per million? At the moment, my money is on Switzerland.
The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is here.

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