
Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: December 18 Update

Smart, Fearless Journalism

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Hi. Thanks for visiting Mother Jones! If you come here often, might you consider supporting our journalism with a year-end donation? Or new to us but like what you see? Learn about our 44-year history of doing nonprofit journalism and consider joining your fellow readers who make it all possible. We have a big $350,000 fundraising goal this month, which our CEO explains here, and so far we’re well behind what we need to get there in the next two weeks. Whether you can give $5 or $500, it all matters to help keep us charging hard.

Hi. Thanks for visiting Mother Jones! If you come here often, might you consider supporting our journalism with a year-end donation? We have a big $350,000 fundraising goal this month, which our CEO explains here, and we’re well behind what we need to get there in the next two weeks. Whether you can give $5 or $500, it all matters to help keep us charging hard.

Here’s the coronavirus death toll through December 18. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.

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