
Category: 2016 Elections

Here Are 2017’s Best Protest Posters

Jessica Hill/AP Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. The year is nearly over, and politically speaking, it hasn’t been pretty. Plenty of outrageous, terrifying, shameful things have happened since Donald Trump took office, but from the very first day of his presidency, a massive contingent of the nation has taken to the…

A Quick Guide to Legal Pot in California

Mother Jones illustration Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. For Californians, legal cannabis is right around the corner. But we have questions. And as it turns out, many of you do, too. A couple weeks ago we wanted to know what questions you had about pot, and the responses were overwhelming.…

Stolen Emails. Wikileaks. White Supremacists. Donald Trump. It All Happened in 2009.

Looking for news you can trust?Subscribe to our free newsletters. The Heads of StateWhat does a 2009 controversy involving climate scientists have in common with Russia’s cyberattacks during the 2016 election? Quite a lot, actually. Both incidents featured stolen emails, WikiLeaks, Donald Trump, and day after day of breathless, often inaccurate, media coverage. Eight years…